
March 25, 2021

By Brent Kramer,Medical Supplies Manager

Medical facilities are incorporating air filtration systems to help safeguard patients and staff from coronavirus transmission.

As healthcare providers continue to navigate the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, creating and maintaining a sanitized environment is paramount.




While many air purification products on the market today help to reduce virus transmission, some are more effective than others. For example, Novaerus products from WellAir Solutions provide continuous air purification reducing both viral and bacterial loads in the surrounding air.

Novaerus air disinfection systems use patented plasma technology that is proven to destroy airborne viruses. Any virus or particle that passes over the patented plasma coil barrier will be killed immediately at the DNA level. The technology’s effectiveness has been shown in independent laboratory trials around the globe, including at the NASA Ames Research laboratory.

除了各种细菌和病毒剂外,该技术还经过测试以减少MS2噬菌体,常用的SARS-COV *(冠状病毒)常用替代品99.99%。

这个系统提供高水平的感染的trol without releasing any harmful chemicals into the air. Unlike other airborne infection control methods including photocatalytic oxidation and sanitation misting, the Novaerus system is safe to run 24/7 while still offering a 99.99% Log 4 reduction rate.

每种型号都是时尚和紧凑的占地面积最小,提供空气净化,而不会破坏手术套房的地板。例如Protect 900 modelweighs only 10.4 pounds but can filter up air up to 1,200 square feet.


Novaerus technology is currently available in three different units, allowing facilities to select the right configuration for their unique needs. All units can be easily positioned and plugged in where they are needed most including surgical suites, waiting rooms, patient areas, staff areas, and hallways.

  • Protect 900: medium-sized spaces
  • 防守1050:更大,高风险的空间
  • Protect 200: small spaces

As clinicians ready their facilities and resume non-urgent patient care, an increasing number of them are implementing air disinfection technology to help safeguard patients and staff from the coronavirus. Novaerus systems from WellAir Solutions are available from Avante Health Solutions, your one source to maximize capital equipment performance. For more information, visitwww.almitamfg.com/air.
